5/20 – 6/11/2023 Lab Closed. Enjoying Greece…
10/27 – 10/28/2022 JEOL maintenance to replace bellows on Spectrometer 1. Green LED button for vacuum monitoring finally pooped out and was replaced.
7/28 – 9/6/2022 Intermittent problems with chiller pump. Faulty pump replaced twice over course of one and a half months.
5/2 – 5/9/2022 JEOL maintenance to adjust high-tension potentiometer, as well as to conduct routine maintenance. The Electron Microprobe will become operational during the week of 5/15/22.
12/20/2021 JEOL maintenance to fix loose connection on Channel 5. The Electron Microprobe is currently operational and available to all users.
12/4/21 Resurrected old standard disk “DH-2”, which was in use during the 1970s.
4/12/21 JEOL routine maintenance — clean bill of health. The Electron Microprobe is currently operational and available to all users.