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Moy, A., Merlet, C. and Dugne, O., 2015. Standardless quantification of Actinides by EPMA: Microscopy and Microanalysis 21(Suppl 3), Paper No. 1007, 3pp.


Javidani, M., Arreguin-Zavala, J., Danovitch, J., Tian, Y., and Brochu, M., 2017. Additive manufacturing of AlSi10Mg alloy using direct energy deposition: Microstructure and hardness characterization: Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26, 587-597.

Ancient Ceramics, Pottery and Glazes

(see also Pigments, Paints and Paintings)
(see also Ancient Glasses and Glass Beads)

Colomban, P., 2013. Rocks as blue, green and black pigments/dyes of glazed pottery and enamelled glass artefacts – A review: European Journal of Mineralogy 25, 863-879.

Curewitz, D.C. and Foit Jr., F.F., 2018. Shards in sherds: Identifying production locations and exchange patterns using electron microprobe analysis of volcanic ash temper in northern Rio Grande Biscuit ware: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 18, 487-498.

De Vito, C., Medeghini, L., Mignardi, S., Coletti, F., and Contino, A., 2017. Roman glazed inkwells from the “Nuovo Mercato di Testaccio” (Rome, Italy): Production technology: Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37, 1779-1788.

Ionescu, C. and Höck, V., 2016. Electron Microprobe Analysis (EMPA): In The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis, Hunt, A. (Ed.), DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199681532.013.17.

Kara, A. and Stevens, R., 2003. Interactions between a leadless glaze and a biscuit fired bone china body during glost firing—part III: Effect of glassy matrix phase: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 23(10), 1617-1628.

Klesner, C., Stephens, J.A., Rodriquez-Alvarez, E., and Vandiver, P.B., 2017. Reconstructing the firing and pigment processing technologies of Corinthian polychrome ceramics, 8-6th centuries B.C.E.: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, doi: 10.1557/adv.2017.257, 1889-1909.

Shalvi, G., Shoval, S., Bar, S. and Gilboa, A., 2019. On the potential of microbeam analyses in study of the ceramics, slip and paint of Late Bronze Age White Slip II ware: An example from the Canaanite site Tel Esur: Applied Clay Science: Reports 168, 324-339.

Shalvi, G., Shoval, S., Bar, S. and Gilboa, A., 2020. Pigments on Late Bronze Age painted Canaanite pottery at Tel Esur: New insights into Canaanite–Cypriot technological interaction: Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports 30, 102212, 18pp.

Shoval, S., 2018. The application of LA-ICP-MS, EPMA and Raman micro-spectroscopy methods in the study of Iron Age Phoenician Bichrome pottery at Tel Dor: Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports 21, 938-951.

Stephens, J.A., Vandiver, P.B., Hernandez, S.A., and Killick, D., 2015. The technological development of decorated Corinthian pottery, 8th to 6th centuries BCE: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 1656, doi: 10.1557/opl.2015.838, 18pp.

Tseng, Y.-K. and Xu, B.-Y., 2012. An analysis of the gem-blue glaze of Ye Wang’s Koji pottery: Archaeometry 54(4), 643-663.

Uda, M., Kanno, H. and Mukoyama, T., 1999. Preliminary report on porcelain in Meissen (Germany) and Arita (Japan): Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 150, 597-600.

Walton, M.S., Svoboda, M., Mehta, A., Webb, S., and Trentelman, K., 2010. Material evidence for the use of Attic white-ground lekythoi ceramics in cremation burials: Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 936-940.

Ancient Glasses and Glass Beads

(see also Beam-Induced Element Mobility/Volatility)
(see also Glasses)
(see also Glass Identification)

Adlington, L.W., 2017. The Corning archaeological references glasses: New values for “old” compositions: Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 27(1), 1-8.

Angelini, I., Gratuze, B. and Artioli, G., 2019. Glass and other vitreous materials through history: European Mineralogical Union, Notes in Mineralogy 20, Chapter 3, 87-150.

Bandiera, M., Verita, M., Lehuede, P., and Vilarigues, M., 2020. The technology of copper-based red glass Sectilia from the 2nd century AD Lucius Verus villa in Rome: Minerals 10, 875; doi:10.3390/min10100875.

Barfod, G.H., Freestone, I.C., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., and Schwarzer, H., 2017. Geochemistry of Byzantine and Early Islamic glass from Jerash, Jordan: Typology, recycling, and provenance: Geoarchaeology 33, 623-640.

Bettineschi, C., 2017. Archaeometric Study of Egyptian Vitreous Materials from Tebtynis: Integration of Analytical and Archaeological Data: PhD Dissertation, Università degli Studi di Padova, 623-640.

Brun, N., Mazerolles, L. and Pernot, M., 1991. Microstructure of opaque red glass containing copper: Journal of Materials Science Letters 10, 1418-1420.

Brun, N. and Pernot, M., 1992. The opaque red glass of Celtic enamels from continental Europe: Archaeometry 34(2), 235-252.

Degryse, P. and Shortland, A.J., 2020. Interpreting elements and isotopes in glass: A review: Archaeometry 62, Suppl. 1, 117-133.

Dillis, S., Van Ham-Meert, A., Leeming, P., Shortland, A., Gobejishvili, G., Abramishvili, M., Degryse, P., 2019. Antimony as a raw material in ancient metal and glass making: Provenancing Georgian LBA metallic Sb by isotope analysis: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research doi: 10.1080/20548923.2019.1681138.

Gedzeviciute, V., Welter, N., Schussler, U., and Weiss, C., 2009. Chemical composition and colouring agents of Roman mosaic and millefiori glass, studied by electron microprobe anlaysis and Raman microspectroscopy: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1, 15-29.

Gill, M.S. and Rehren, Th., 2014. The intentional use of lead-tin orange in Indian Islamic glazes and its preliminary characterization: Archaeometry 56(6), 1009-1023.

Kemp, V., Schmidt, K., Brownscombe, W., Soennecken, K., Vieweger, D., Haser, J., and Shortland, A., 2020. Dating and provenance of glass artefacts excavated from the ancient city of Tall Zira’A, Jordan: Archaeometry doi: 10.1111/arcm.12588.

Jackson, C.M. and Cottam, S., 2015. ‘A green thought in a green shade’: Compositional and typological observations concerning the production of emerald green glass vessels in the 1st century A.D.: Journal of Archaeological Science 61, 139-148.

Jackson, C.M. and Nicholson, P.T., 2023. Simply red: A Late Bronze Age glass ingot from Amarna: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, 103793.

Lima, A., Medici, T., de Matos, A.P., and Verità, M., 2012. Chemical analysis of 17th century Millefiori glasses excavated in the Monastery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha, Portugal: Comparison with Venetian and façon-de-Venise production: Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 1238-1248.

Maltoni, S., Chinni, T., Vandini, M., Cirelli, E., Silvestri, A., and Molin, G., 2015. Archaeological and archaeometric study of the glass finds from the ancient harbour of Classe (Ravenna–Italy): New Evidence: Heritage Science 3:13 DOI 10.1186/s40494-015-0034-5.

Matin, M., 2019. Tin-based opacifiers in archaeological glass and ceramic glazes: A review and new perspectives: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 1155-1167.

Nakai, I., Numako, C., Hosono, H., and Yamasaki, K., 1999. Origin of the red color of Satsuma copper-ruby glass as determined by EXAFS and Optical Absorption Spectroscopy: Journal of the American Ceramic Society 82(3), 689-695.

Oikonomou, A., Henderson, J., Gnade, M., Chenery, S., and Zacharias, N., 2018. An archaeometric study of Hellenistic glass vessels: Evidence for multiple sources: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10, 97-110.

Oikonomou, A. and Triantafyllidis, P., 2018. An archaeometric study of Archaic glass from Rhodes, Greece: Technological and provenance issues: Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports 22, 493-505.

Paynter, S., Okyar, F., Wolf, S. and Tite, M.S., 2004. The production technology of Iznik pottery—A reassessment: Archaeometry 46(3), 421-437.

Purowski, T., Dzierzanowski, P., Bulska, E., Wagner, B., and Nowak, A., 2012. A study of glass beads from the Hallstatt C-D from southwestern Poland: Implications for glass technology and provenance: Archaeometry 54(1), 144-166.

Purowski, T., Syta, O. and Wagner, B., 2019. Mycenaean and Egyptian faience beads discovered in southern Poland: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 28, 102023.

Rehren, Th., Connolly, P., Schibille, N., and Schwarzer, H., 2015. Changes in glass consumption in Perganon (Turkey) from Hellenistic to late Byzantine and Islamic times: Journal of Archaeological Science 55, 266-279.

Schibille, N., 2011. Late Byzantine mineral soda high alumina glasses from Asia Minor: A new primary glass production group: PLoS ONE 6(4): e18970, 13 pp.

Schibille, N., Marii, F. and Rehren, Th., 2008. Characterization and provenance of Late Antique window glass from the Petra church in Jordan: Archaeometry 50(4), 627-642.

Schibille, N., Sterrett-Krause, A. and Freestone, I.C., 2017. Glass groups, glass supply and recycling in late Roman Carthage: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9, 1223-1241.

Shortland, A.J., Kirk, S., Eremin, K., Degryse, P., and Walter, M., 2018. The analysis of Late Bronze Age glass from Nuzi and the question of the origin of glass-making: Archaeometry 60(4), 764-783.

Shortland, A.J. and Schroeder, H., 2009. Analysis of first millennium BC glass vessels and beads from the Pichvnari necropolis, Georgia: Archaeometry 51(6), 947-965.

Siu, L., Henderson, J. and Faber, E., 2017. The production and circulation of Carthaginian glass under the rule of the Romans and the Vandals (Fourth to Sixth Century AD): A chemical investigation: Archaeometry 59(2), 255-273.

Smirniou, M. and Rehren, Th., 2016. The use of technical ceramics in early Egyptian glass-making: Journal of Archaeological Science 67, 52-63.

Smirniou, M., Rehren, Th., and Gratuze, B., 2009. Lisht as a New Kingdom glass-making site with its own chemical signature: Archaeometry 60(3), 502-516.

Sokaras, D., Karydas, A.G., Oikonomou, A., Zacharias, N., Beltsios, K., and Kantarelou, V., 2009. Combined elemental analysis of ancient glass beads by means of ion beam, portable XRF, and EPMA techniques: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 395, 2199-2209.

Velo-Gala, Garcia-Heras, M. and Ofila, M., 2019. Roman window glass in Hispania Baetica: Glass origin and manufacture study through electron microprobe analysis: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24, 526-538.

Verita, M., Basso, R., Wypyski, M.T., and Koestler, R.J., 1994. X-ray microanalysis of ancient glassy materials: A comparative study of wavelength dispersive and energy dispersive techniques: Archaeometry 36(2), 241-251.

Verita, M., Bracci, S. and Porcinai, S., 2019. Analytical investigation of 14th century stained glass windows from Santa Croce Basilica in Florence: International Journal of Applied Glass Science 10, 546-557.

Vicenzi, E.P., Eggins, S., Logan, A., and Wysoczanski, R., 2002. Microbean characterization of Corning archaeological reference glasses: New additions to the Smithsonian microbeam standard collection: Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology 107(6), 719-727.

Wagner, B., Nowak, A., Bulska, E., Hametner, K., and Günther, D., 2012. Critical assessment of the elemental composition of Corning archeological reference glasses by LA-ICP-MS: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 402, 1667-1677.

Wang, K.-W., Iizuka, Y., Hsieh, Y.-K., Lee, K.-H., Chen, K.-T., Wang, C.-F., and Jackson, C., 2019. The anomaly of glass beads and glass beadmaking waste at Jiuxianglan, Taiwan: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 1391-1405.

Wedepohl, K.H., Simon, K. and Kronz, A., 2011. Data on 61 chemical elements for the characterization of three major glass compositions in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Archaeometry 53(1), 81-102.

Zipkin, A.M., Ambrose, S.H., Lundstrom, C.C., Bartov, G., Dwyer, A., and Taylor, A.H., 2020. Red earth, green glass, and compositional data: A new procedure for solid-state elemental characterization, source discrimination, and provenience analysis of ochres: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 27, 930-970.

Zori, C., Fulton, J., Tropper, P., and Zori, D., 2023. Glass from the 11th–13th century medieval castle of San Giuliano (Lazio Province, Central Italy): Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, 103731.

Ancient Metals, Coins and Metallurgy

Baron, S., T?ma?, C.G., Rivoal, M., Cauuet, B., Télouk, P., and Albarède, F., 2019. Geochemistry of gold ores mined during Celtic times from the north-western French Massif Central: Nature, Scientific Reports, 9:17816,, 15 pp.

Bendall, C., 2003. The Application of Trace Element and Isotopic Analyses to the Study of Celtic Gold Coings and their Metal Sources: PhD Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, 282 pp.

Birch, T., Westner, K.J., Kemmers, F., Klein, S., Hofer, H.E., and Seitz, H.-M., 2020. Retracing Magna Graecia’s silver: Coupling lead isotopes with a multi-standard trace element procedure: Archaeometry 62(1), 81-108.

Burger, E., Bourgarit, D., Wattiaux, A., and Fialin, M., 2010. The reconstruction of the first copper-smelting processes in Europe during the 4th and the 3rd millennium BC: Where does the oxygen come from?: Applied Physics A 100, 713-724. DOI 10.1007/s00339-010-5651-y

Chen, K., Liu, S., Li, Y., Mei, J., and Shao, A., 2017. Evidence of arsenical copper smelting in Bronze Age China: A study of metallurgical slag from the Laoniupo site, central Shaanxi: Journal of Archaeological Science 82, 31-39.

Doménech-Carbó, M.T., Di Turo, F., Montoya, N., Catalli, F., Doménech-Carbó, A., and De Vito, C., 2018. FIB-FESEM and EMPA results on Antoninianus silver coins for manufacturing and corrosion processes: Scientific Reports 8:10676, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-28990-x.

Esty, W.W., Equall, N. and Smith, R.J., 1993. The alloy of the ‘XI’ coins of Tacitus: Numismatic Chronicle, 201-204.

Gentelli, L., 2017. Analysis of 16th to 19th Century Silver Coins: PhD Thesis, The University of Western Australia, 246 pp.

Georgakopoulou, M., 2004. Examination of copper slags from the Early Bronze Age site of Daskaleio-Kavos on the island of Keros (Cyclades, Greece): Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies 24, 3-12.

Georgakopoulou, M., Bassiakos, Y. and Philaniotou, O., 2011. Seriphos surfaces: A study of copper slag heaps and copper sources in the context of Early Bronze Age Aegean metal production: Archaeometry 53(1), 123-145.

Healy, J., 1979. Mining and processing gold ores in the ancient world: Journal of Metals August, 11-16.

Jakielski, K.E. and Notis, M.R., 2000. The metallurgy of Roman medical instruments: Materials Characterization 45, 379-389.

Kaufman, B., 2013. Copper alloys from the ‘Enot Shuni cemetery and the origins of bronze metallurgy in the EB IV–MB II Levant: Archaeometry 55(4), 663-690.

Kaufman, B. and Scott, D.A., 2015. Fuel efficiency of ancient copper alloys: Theoretical melting thermodynamics of copper, tin and arsenical copper and timber conservation in the bronze age levant: Archaeometry 57(6), 1009-1024.

Kraft, G., Flege, S., Reiff, F., and Ortner, H.M., 2004. Investigation of contemporary forgeries of ancient silver coins: Microchimica Acta 145, 87-90.

Kraft, G., Flege, S., Reiff, F., Ortner, H.M., and Ensinger, W., 2006. EPMA Investigation of Roman Coin Silvering Techniques: Microchimica Acta 155, 179-182.

Kraft, G., Flege, S., Reiff, F., Ortner, H.M., and Ensinger, W., 2006. Analysis of the notches of ancient serrated denars: Archaeometry 48(4), 605-612.

Murillo-Barroso, M., Martinon-Torres, M., Massieu, D.C., and Socas, D.M., 2017. Early metallurgy in SE Iberia. The workshop of Las Pilas (Mojácar, Almería, Spain): Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9(7), DOI 10.1007/s12520-016-0451-8.

Notis, M., Shugar, A., Herman, D., and Ariel, D.T., 2007. Chemical Composition of the Isfiya and Qumran Coin Hoards, In Archaeological Chemistry: Analytical Techniques and Archaeological Interpretation. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC., 258-274.

Orfanou, V., 2015. Early Iron Age Greek Copper-Based Technology: Votive Offerings from Thessaly: PhD Thesis University College London, 523 pp.

Orfanou, V., Birch, T., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., Barfod, G.H., Lesher, C.E., and Eger, C., 2020. Copper-based metalwork in Roman to early Islamic Jerash (Jordan): Insights into production and recycling through alloy compositions and lead isotopes: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33, 102519, 15 pp.

Orfanou, V. and Rehren, Th., 2015. A (not so) dangerous method: pXRF vs. EPMA-WDS analyses of copper-based artefacts: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 7, 387-397.

Radivojevi?, M. and Rehren, T., 2016. Paint it black: The rise of metallurgy in the Balkans: Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 23, 200-237.

Radivojevi?, M., Rehren, T., Pernicka, E., Šljivar, D., Brauns, M., and Bori?, D., 2010. On the origins of extractive metallurgy: New evidence from Europe: Journal of Archaeological Science 37, 2775-2787.

Sáenz-Samper, J. and Martinón-Torres, M., 2017. Depletion gilding, innovation and life-histories: The changing colours of Nahuange metalwork: Antiquity 91, 1253-1267.

Scott, D.A., 2011. The La Tolita-Tumaco culture: Master metalsmiths in gold and platinum: Latin American Antiquity 22(1), 65-95.

Shugar, A.N., 2000. Archaeometallurgical Investigation of the Chalcolithic Site of Abu Matar, Israel: A Reassessment of Technology and Its Implications for the Ghassulian Culture, Volume 1: PhD, Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 284 pp.

Shugar, A.N., 2003. Reconstructing the Chalcolithic metallurgical process at Abu Matar, Israel: Archaeometallurgy in Europe, International Conference, 24th-26th September, Milan, Italy, 449-458.

Westner, K.J., Birch, T., Kemmers, F., Klein, S., Hofer, H.E., and Seitz, H.-M., 2020. Rome’s rise to power. Geochemical analysis of silver coinage from the western Mediterranean (fourth to second centuries BCE): Archaeometry 62(3), 577-592.

Yamasue, E., Nagata, K. and Inazumi, T., 2014. Metallurgical evaluation of farmer’s steelmaking in Finland: Iron and Steel Institute of Japan 54(5), 1024-1029.

Zori, C.M. and Tropper, P., 2010. Late Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial silver production in the Quebrada de Tarapacá, northern Chile: Boletín del Museo Chileno de arte Precolombino 15(2), 65-87.

Zori, C.M., Tropper, P. and Scott, D.A., 2014. Copper production in late prehispanic northern Chile: Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 1165-1175.

Apatite and Other Phosphate Minerals

(see also Beam-Induced Element Mobility/Volatility)
(see also Halogens)

Huh, M.C., 2013. Experimental determination of fluorine and hydrogen partitioning between apatite and basaltic melt: MS Geology UCLA, 56pp.

Marks, M.A.W., Wenzel, T., Whitehouse, M.J., Loose, M., Zack, T., Barth, M., Worgard, L., Krasz, V., Eby, G.N., Stosnach, H., and Markl, G., 2012. The volatile inventory (F, Cl, Br, S, C) of magmatic apatite: An integrated analytical approach: Chemical Geology 291, 241-255.

Shigley, J.E. and Brown Jr., G.E., 1985. Occurrence and alteration of phosphate minerals at the Stewart Pegmatite, Pala District, San Diego County, California: American Mineralogist 70, 395-408.

Stock, M.J., Humphreys, M.C.S., Smith, V.C., Johnson, R.D., Pyle, D.M., and EIMF, 2015. New constraints on electron-beam induced halogen migration in apatite: American Mineralogist 100, 281-293.

Beam-Induced Element Mobility/Volatility

(see also Apatite and Other Phosphate Minerals)
(see also Light-Element Analysis)
(see also ZAF Correction and K-Ratio Optimization)
(see also Zircon)

Acosta-Vigil, A., London, D. and Morgan IV, G.B., 2005. Contrasting interactions of sodium and potassium with H2O in haplogranitic liquids and glasses at 200 MPa from hydration–diffusion experiments: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 149, 276-287.

Borom, M.P. and Hanneman, R.E., 1967. Local compositional changes in alkali silicate glasses during electron microprobe analysis: Journal of Applied Physics 38, 2406-2407.

Campbell, L.S., Charnock, J., Dyer, A., Hillier, S., Chenery, S., Stoppa, F., Henderson, C.M.B., Walcott, R., and Rumsey, M., 2016. Determination of zeolite-group mineral compositions by electron probe microanalysis: Mineralogical Magazine 80(5), 781-807.

Devine, J.D., Gardner, J.E., Brack, H.P., Layne, G.D., and Rutherford, M.J., 1995. Comparison of microanalytical methods for estimating H2O contents of silicic volcanic glasses: American Minteralogist 80, 319-328.

Guimarães, F., Silva, P.B., Ferreira, J., Piedade, A.P., and Vieira, M.T.F., 2014. Electron microprobe analysis of cryolite: Materials Science and Engineering 55, IOP Conference Series, 8 pp.

Hanson, B., Delano, J.W. and Lindstrom, D.J., 1996. High-precision analysis of hydrous rhyolitic glass inclusions in quartz phenocrysts using the electron microprobe and INAA: American Mineralogist 81, 1249-1262.

Hayward, C., 2011. High spatial resolution electron probe microanalysis of tephras and melt inclusions without beam-induced chemical modification: The Holocene 22(1), 119-125.

Hughes, E.C., Buse, B., Kearns, S.L., Blundy, J.D., Kilgour, G., and Mader, H.M., 2019. Low analytical totals in EPMA of hydrous silicate glass due to sub-surface charging: Obtaining accurate volatiles by difference: Chemical Geology 505, 48-56.

Humphreys, M.C.S., Kearns, S.L. and Blundy, J.D., 2006. SIMS investigation of electron-beam damage to hydrous, rhyolitic glasses: Implications for melt inclusion analysis: American Mineralogist 91, 667-679.

Jbara, O., Cazaux, J. and Trebbia, P., 1995. Sodium diffusion in glasses during electron irradiation: Journal of Applied Physics 78(2), 868-875.

Lineweaver, J.L., 1963. Oxygen outgassing caused by electron bombardment of glass: Journal of Applied Physics 34(6), 1786-1791.

Morgan VI, G.B. and London, D., 1996. Optimizing the electron microprobe analysis of hydrous alkali aluminosilicate glasses: American Mineralogist 81(9-10), 1176-1185.

Morgan VI, G.B. and London, D., 2005. Effect of current density on the electron microprobe analysis of alkali aluminosilicate glasses: American Mineralogist 90, 1131-1138.

Nash, W.P., 1992. Analysis of oxygen with the electron microprobe: Applications to hydrated glass and minerals: American Mineralogist 77(3-4), 453-457.

Nielsen, C.H. and Sigurdsson, H., 1981. Quantitative methods for electron microprobe analysis of sodium in natural and synthetic glasses: American Mineralogist 66, 547-552.

Spray, J.G. and Rae, D.A., 1995. Quantitative electron-microprobe analysis of alkali silicate glasses: A review and user guide: The Canadian Mineralogist 33, 323-332.

Varshneya, A.K., Cooper, A.R. and Cable, M., 1966. Changes in composition during electron micro-probe analysis of K2O–SrO–SiO2 glass: Journal of Applied Physics 37, 2199.

Vassamillet, L.F. and Caldwell, V.E., 1969. Electron-probe microanalysis of alkali metals in glasses: Journal of Applied Physics 40(4), 1637-1643.

von der Handt, A. and Donovan, J.J., 2017. Improving EPMA analysis of beam-sensitive materials by a combined mapping and time-dependent intensity correction approach: Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting, St. Louis.

Zhang, X., Yang, S., Zhao, H., Jiang, S., Zhang, R., and Xie, J., 2019. Effect of beam current and diameter on electron probe microanalysis of carbonate minerals: Journal of Earth Science 30(4), 834-842.

Biological Materials

Büttner, S.H., Isemonger, E.W., Isaacs, M., van Niekerk, D., Sipler, R.E., and Dorrington, R.A., 2021. Living phosphatic stromatolites in a low-phosphorus environment: Implications for the use of phosphorus as a proxy for phosphate levels in paleo-systems: Geobiology 19, 35-47.

Duque, L., Guimarães, F., Ribeiro, H., Sousa, R., and Abreu, I., 2013. Elemental characterization of the airborne pollen surface using Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA): Atmospheric Environment 75, 296-302.

Smart, K.E., Kilburn, M.R., Salter, C.J., Smith, J.A.C., and Grovenor, C.R.M., 2007. NanoSIMS and EPMA analysis of nickel localisation in leaves of the hyperaccumulator plant Alyssum lesbiacum: International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 260, 107-114.

Bone and Implants

(see also Dental Materials)

Chen, G., Fu, Z., Guo, H., Pradhan, S.K., and Hao, P., 2020. Study of accumulation behaviour of tungsten based composite using electron probe micro analyser for the application in bone tissue engineering: Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 27, 2936-2941.

Coats, A.M., Zioupos, P. and Aspden, R.M., 2003. Material properties of subchondral bone from patients with osteoporosis or osteoarthritis by microindentation testing and electron probe microanalysis: Calcified Tissue International 73, 66-71.

Cooper, D.M.L., Chapman, L.D., Carter, Y., Wu, Y., Panahifar, A., Britz, H.M., Bewer, B., Zhouping, W., Duke, M.J.M., and Doschak, M., 2012. Three dimensional mapping of strontium in bone by dual energy K-edge subtraction imaging: Physics in Medicine and Biology 57, 5777-5786.

Essani, M., Abellan, P., Weiss, P., Bideau, J.L., Charbonnier, B., and Moussi, H., 2021. The combined use of SEM, EPMA and FIB for the characterization of novel biomaterials for bone regeneration: Microscopy and Microanalysis 27(Supp 1), 430-431.

Hosoya, A., Hoshi, K., Sahara, N., Ninomiya, T., Akahane, S., Kawamoto, T., and Ozawa, H., 2005. Effects of fixation and decalcification on the immunohistochemical localization of bone matrix proteins in fresh-frozen bone sections: Histochemistry and Cell Biology 123, 639-646.

Kitsugi, T., Nakamura, T., Yamamuro, T., Kokubu, T., Shibuya, T., and Takagi, M., 1987. SEM-EPMA observation of three types of apatite-containing glass-ceramics implanted in bone: The variance of a Ca-P-rich layer: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 21, 1255-1271.

Kitsugi, T., Yamamuro, T. and Nakamura, T., 1989. Bone bonding behavior of MgO-CaO-SiO2-P2O5-CaF5 glass (mother glass of A-W-glass-ceramics): Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 23, 631-648.

Kitsugi, T., Yamamuro, T. and Nakamura, T., Shoichiro, H., Kakutani, Y., Hyakuna, K., Ito, S., Kokubo, T., Masataka, T., and Shibuya, T., 1986. Bone bonding behavior of three kinds of apatite containing glass ceramics: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 20, 1295-1307.

Kumar, A., Biswas, K. and Basu, B., 2015. Bone bonding behavior of three kinds of apatite containing glass ceramics: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 103A, 791-806.

Lin, F.-H., Lin, C.-C., Liu, H.-C., Huang, Y.-Y, Wang, C.-Y., and Lu, C.-M., 1994. Sintered porous DP-bioactive glass and hydroxyapatite as bone substitute: Biomaterials 15(13), 1087-1098.

Niedhart, C., Maus, U., Redmann, E., and Siebert, C.H., 2001. In vivo testing of a new in situ setting ?-tricalcium phosphate cement for osseous reconstruction: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 55(4), 530-537.

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Building Materials

Belleghem, B.V., Zaccardi, Y.V., Van den Heede, P., Tittelboom, K.V., and De Belie, N., 2019. Evaluation and comparison of traditional methods and Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) to determine the chloride ingress perpendicular to cracks in self-healing concrete: Construction and Building Materials 227, 116789.

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Dental Identification

Ishikawa, N., Miake, Y., Kitamura, K., and Yamamoto, H., 2019. A new method for estimating time since death by analysis of substances deposited on the surface of dental enamel in a body immersed in seawater: International Journal of Legal Medicine 133, 1421-1427.

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Dental Materials

(see also Bone and Implants)

Chiba, T., Asada, Y., Ishikawa, M., Yamamoto, T., Shimoda, S., and Momoi, Y., 2016. Remineralization effects of calcium phosphate based paste for tooth enamel: The Japanese Conservative Journal of Dentistry 59(1), 59-64.

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Detection Limit and Trace-Element Analysis

Allaz, J., Jercinovic, M.J., Williams, M.L., and Donovan, J.J., 2014. Trace element analyses by EMP: Pb-in-monazite and new multipoint background: Microscopy and Microanalysis 20(Suppl 3), 720-721.

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Doped Ceramics

(see also Superconductors)

Böttcher, R., Langhammer, H.T., Walther, T., Syrowatka, C., and Ebbinghaus, S.G., 2019. Defect properties of vanadium doped barium titanate ceramics: Materials Research Express 6(11), 115210.

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Kaplan, M.L., 1991. Solvent penetration in cured epoxy networks: Polymer Engineering and Science 31(10), 689-698.

Fingerprint Analysis

Challinger, S.E., Baikie, I.D., Flannigan, G., Halls, S., Laing, K., Daly, L., and Daeid, N.N., , 2018. Comparison of scanning Kelvin probe with SEM/EPMA techniques for fingermark recovery from metallic surfaces: Forensic Science International 291, 44-52.


(see also Bone and Implants)

Kim, J.-K., Kwon, Y.-E., Lee, S.-G., Kim, C.-Y., Kim, J.-G., Huh, M., Lee, E., and Kim, Y.-J., 2017. Correlative microscopy of the constituents of a dinosaur rib fossil and hosting mudstone: Implications on diagenesis and fossil preservation: PLoS ONE 12(10):e0186600, 25 pp.

Kim, J.-K., Kwon, Y.-E., Lee, S.-G., Lee, J.-H., Kim, J.-H., Huh, M., Lee, E., and Kim, Y.-J., 2017. Disparities in correlating microstructural to nanostructural preservation of dinosaur femoral bones: Scientific Reports 7:45562, doi:10:1038/srep45562, 12 pp.

Margariti, E., Stathopoulou, E.T., Sanakis, Y., Kotopoulou, E., Pavlakis, P., and Godelitsas, A., 2019. A geochemical approach to fossilization processes in Miocene vertebrate bones from Sahabi, NE Libya: Journal of African Earth Science 149, 1-18.

Gems and Gemology

Belley, P.M. and Palke, A.C., 2021. Purple gem spinel from Vietnam and Afghanistan: Comparison of trace element chemistry, cause of color, and inclusions: Gems and Gemology 57(3), 228-238

Jena, P.R. and Mishra, P.K., 2017. , Raman, EPMA and X-ray tomographic study of the Odisha’s beryl (emerald) sample: Journal of Geology & Geophysics 6(3), DOI: 10.4172/2381-8719.1000288.

Liu, L., Yang, M. and Li, Y., 2020. Unique raindrop pattern of turquoise from Hubei, China: Gems and Gemology 56(3), 380-400.

McClure, S.F., Smith, C.P., Wang, W., and Hall, M., 2006. Identification and durability of lead glass-filled rubies: Gems and Gemology 42(1), 22-34.

Monarumit, N., Boonmee, C., Ingavanija, S., Lhuaamporn, T., Wathanakul, P., and Satitkune, S., 2017. Internal features of glass filled ruby samples probed by EPMA: Key Engineering Materials 744, 409-413.

Monarumit, N., Satitkune, S. and Wongkokua, W., 2017. Role of ilmenite micro-inclusion on Fe oxidation states of natural sapphires: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 901, 012074.

Palke, A.C. and Breeding, C.M., 2017. The origin of needle-like rutile inclusions in natural gem corundum: A combined EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, and nanoSIMS investigation: Gems and Gemology 56(3), 380-400.

Sahoo, R.K., Singh, S.K. and Misha, B.K., 2016. Surface and bulk 3D analysis of natural and processed ruby using electron probe micro analyzer and X-ray micro CT scan: Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 211, 55-63.

Sun, Z., Palke, A.C., Breeding, C.M. and Ditrow, B.L., 2019. A new method for determining gem tourmaline species by LA-ICP-MS, and nanoSIMS investigation:American Mineralogist 102(7), 1451-1461.

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Glass Identification

(see also Ancient Glasses and Glass Beads)
(see also Glasses)

Falcone, R., Sommariva, G. and Verità, M., 2006. WDXRF, EPMA and SEM/EDX quantitative chemical analyses of small glass samples: Microchimica Acta 155, 137-140.


(see also Ancient Glasses and Glass Beads)
(see also Glass Identification)

Falcone, R., Nardone, M., Sodo, A., Sommariva, G., Vallotto, M., and Verita, M., 2010.
SEM-EDS, EPMA and MRS analysis of neo-crystallisations on weathered glasses
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Toshinobu, Y. and Kanichi, K., 1985. Oxidation state of copper ions in silicate glasses prepared by different methods: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 71, 245-251.


(see also Apatite and Other Phosphate Minerals)

Flemetakis, S., Berndt, J., Klemme, S., Genske, F., Cadoux, A., Louvel, M., and Rohrbach, A., 2020. An improved electron microprobe method for the analysis of halogens in natural silicate glasses: Microscopy and Microanalysis 26, 857-866.

Goldoff, B., Webster, J.D. and Harlov, D.E., 2010. Characterization of fluor-chlorapatites by electron probe microanalysis with a focus on time-dependent intensity variation of halogens: American Mineralogist 97, 1103-1115.

McCubbin, F.M., Jolliff, B.L., Nekvasil, H., Carpenter, P.K., Zeigler, R.A., Steele, A., Elardo, S.M., and Lindsley, D.H., 2011. Fluorine and chlorine abundances in lunar apatite: Implications for heterogeneous distributions of magmatic volatiles in the lunar interior: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 5073-5083.

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Abduriyim, A., Saruwatari, K. and Katsurada, Y., 2017. Japanese jadeite: History, characteristics, and comparison with other sources: Gems and Gemology 53(1), 48-67.

Hirajima, T., 2017. Jadeite and jadeitite-bearing rock in the Sanbagawa and the Kamuikotan belts, Japan: A review: Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 112, 237-246.

Hung, H.-C., Iizuka, Y., Bellwood, P., Nguyen, K.D., Bellina, B., Silapanth, P., Dizon, E., Santiago, R., Datan, I., and Manton, H., 2007. Ancient jades map 3,000 years of prehistoric exchange in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(50), 19745-19750.

Lin, C., He, X., Lu, Z., and Yao, Y., 2020. Phase composition and genesis of pyroxenic jadeite from Guatemala: Insights from cathodoluminescence: Royal Society of Chemistry 10, 15937-15946.

Light-Element Analysis

Bastin, G.F. and Heijligers, H.J.M., 1992. Present and future of light element analysis with electron beam instruments: Microbeam Analysis 1, 61-73.

Fialin, M. and Remond, G., 1993. Electron probe microanalysis of oxygen in strongly insulating oxides: Microbeam Analysis 2, 179-189.

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Osan, J., Szaloki, I., Ro, C.-U., and Grieken, R.V., 2000. Light element analysis of individual microparticles using thin-window EPMA: Microchimica Acta 132, 349-355.

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Rigby, M., Droop, G., Plant, D., and Gräser, P., 2008. Electron probe micro-analysis of oxygen in cordierite: Potential implications for the analysis of volatiles in minerals : South African Journal of Geology 111, 239-250.

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von der Handt, A. and Mosenfelder, J., 2021. B, C, N and O analysis by EPMA-SXES: Microscopy and Microanalysis 27(Suppl 1), 3332-3335.


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Meteorites and Asteroid-Impact Studies

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Warren, P.H., Huber, H. and Ulff-Møller, F., 2006. Alkali-feldspathic material entrained in Fe,S-rich veins in a monomict ureilite: Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41, 797-813.

Warren, P.H., Isa, J., Ebihara, M., Yamaguchi, A., and Baecker, B., 2017. Secondary-volatiles linked metallic iron in eucrites: the dual-origin metals of Camel Donga: Meteoritics and Planetary Science 52, 737-761.

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Warren, P.H., Jerde, E.A. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1987. Pristine Moon rocks: A “large” felsite and a metal-rich ferroan anorthosite: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 17, E303-E313.

Warren, P.H., Jerde, E.A. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1990. Pristine Moon rocks: An alkali anorthosite with augite exsolution from plagioclase, a magnesian harzburgite and other oddities: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 20, 31-59.

Warren, P.H., Jerde, E.A. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1991. Pristine Moon rocks: Apollo 17 anorthosites: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 21, 51-61.

Warren, P.H., Jerde, E.A., Migdisova, L.F., and Yaroshevsky, A.A., 1990. Pomozdino: An anomalous, high-MgO/FeO, yet REE-rich eucrite: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 20, 281-297.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1984. Pristine rocks (8th foray): “Plagiophile” element ratios, crustal genesis, and the bulk composition of the Moon: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 15, C16-C24.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1986. Geochemistry of lunar meteorite Yamato-791197: Comparison with ALHA81005 and other lunar samples: Proceedings Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (Tokyo) 10, 3-16.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1987. Geochemistry of lunar meteorite Yamato-791197, ALHA81005 and other lunar samples: Proceedings Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (Tokyo) 11, 3-20.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1989. ALH84025: The second brachinite, far more differentiated than Brachina, and an ultramafic achondritic clast from L chondrite Yamato 75097: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 19, 475-486.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1989. Lunar meteorites: Siderophile element contents, and implications for the composition and origin of the Moon: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 91, 245-260.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1989. Geochemistry of polymict ureilite EET83309, and a partially-disruptive impact model for ureilite origin: Meteoritics 24, 233-246.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1990. Elephant Moraine 87521: The first lunar meteorite composed of predominantly mare material: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 3323-3330.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1991. Geochemical investigation of five lunar meteorites: Implications for the composition, origin and evolution of the lunar crust: Antarctic Meteorite Research 4, 91-117.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1991. The MacAlpine Hills lunar meteorite, and implications of the lunar meteorites collectively for the composition and origin of the Moon: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 55, 3123-3138.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1992. Explosive volcanism and the graphite-oxygen fugacity buffer on the parent asteroid(s) of the ureilite meteorites: Icarus 100, 110-126.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1993. Geochemical investigation of two lunar mare meteorites: Antarctic Meteorite Research 6, 35-57.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1996. Siderophile trace elements in ALH84001, other SNC meteorites and eucrites: Evidence of heterogeneity, possibly time-linked, in the mantle of Mars: Meteoritics and Planetary Science 31, 97-105.

Warren, P.H. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1997. Yamato-793605, EET79001, and other presumed martian meteorites: Compositional clues to their origins: Antarctic Meteorite Research 10, 61-81.

Warren, P.H., Kallemeyn, G.W., Huber, H., Ulff-Møller, F., and Choe, W., 2009. Siderophile and other geochemical constraints on mixing relationships among HED-meteoritic breccias: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 5918-5943.

Warren, P.H., Kallemeyn, G.W., and Kyte, F.T., 1999. Origin of planetary cores: Evidence from highly siderophile elements in martian meteorites: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63, 2105-2122.

Warren, P.H., Shirley, D.N. and Kallemeyn, G.W., 1986. A potpourri of pristine Moon rocks, including a VHK mare basalt and a unique, augite-rich anorthosite from Apollo 17: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 16, D319-D330.

Warren, P.H. and Rubin, A.E., 2010. Pyroxene-selective impact smelting in ureilites: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 5109-5133.

Warren, P.H. and Rubin, A.E., 2020. Trace element and textural evidence favoring lunar, not terrestrial, origin of the mini-granite in Apollo sample 14321: Icarus 347,

Warren, P.H., Rubin, A.E., Isa, J., Brittenham, S., Ahn, I., and Choi, B.-G., 2013. Northwest Africa 6693: A new type of FeO-rich, low-?17O, poikilitic cumulate achondrite: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 107, 135-154.

Warren, P.H., Rubin, A.E., Isa, J., Gessler, N., Ahn, I., and Choi, B.-G., 2014. Northwest Africa 5738: Multistage fluid-driven secondary alteration in an extraordinarily evolved eucrite: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 199-227.

Warren, P.H., Taylor, G.J. and Keil, K., 1983. Regolith breccia Allan Hills A81005: Evidence of lunar origin, and petrography of pristine and nonpristine clasts: Geophysical Research Letters 10, 779-782.

Warren, P.H., Taylor, G.J., Keil, K., Kallemeyn, G.W., Rosener, P.S., and Wasson, J.T., 1983. Sixth foray for pristine nonmare rocks and an assessment of the diversity of lunar anorthosites: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 13, A615-A630.

Warren, P.H., Taylor, G.J., Keil, K., Kallemeyn, G.W., Shirley, D.N., and Wasson, J.T., 1983. Seventh foray: Whitlockite-rich lithologies, a diopside-bearing troctolitic anorthosite, ferroan anorthosites, and KREEP: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 14, B151-B164.

Warren, P.H., Taylor, G.J., Keil, K., Marshall, C., and Wasson, J.T., 1981. Foraging westward for pristine nonmare rocks: Complications for petrogenetic models: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 12, 21-40.

Warren, P.H., Taylor, G.J., Keil, K., Shirley, D.N., and Wasson, J.T., 1983. Petrology and chemistry of two “large” granite clasts from the Moon: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 64, 175-185.

Warren, P.H., Ulff-Møller, F., Huber H. and Kallemeyn G.W., 2006. Siderophile geochemistry of ureilites: a record of early stages of planetesimal core formation: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 2104-2126.

Warren, P.H., Ulff-Møller, F. and Kallemeyn G.W., 2005.“New” lunar meteorites: Impact melt and regolith breccias and large-scale heterogeneities of the upper lunar crust: Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, 989-1014.

Warren, P.H. and Wasson, J.T., 1978. Compositional-petrographic investigation of pristine nonmare rocks: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 9, 185-217.

Warren, P.H. and Wasson, J.T., 1979. The compositional-petrographic search for pristine nonmare rocks—third foray: Proceedings Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 10, 583-610.

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Wasson, J.T., Isa, J. and Rubin, A.E., 2013. Compositional and petrographic similarities of CV and CK chondrites: A single group with variations in textures and volatiles attributable to impact heating, crushing and oxidation: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 108, 45-62.

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Wasson, J.T., Kallemeyn, G.W. and Rubin, A.E., 2000. Chondrules in the LEW85332 ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite; fractionation processes in the solar nebula: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64, 1279-1290.

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Wasson, J.T., Matsunami, Y. and Rubin, A.E.,, 2006. Silica and pyroxene in IVA irons; possible formation of the IVA magma by impact melting and reduction of L-LL-chondrite materials followed by crystallization and cooling: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70, 3149-3172.

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Widom, E., Rubin, A.E. and Wasson, J.T., 1986. Composition and formation of metal nodules and veins in ordinary chondrites: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 50, 1989-1995.

Miscellaneous Artifacts

Gard, F.S., Bozzano, P.B., Dominguez, S.A., Santos, D.M., and Daizo M.B., 2020. Chemical composition and structural features of an Egyptian funerary mask from the Ptolemaic period, studied by SEM and EPMA: Microscopy and Microanalysis 26(Suppl 1), 33-34.

Gard, F.S., Bozzano, P.B., Santos, D.M., Daizo M.B., Halac, E.B., and Reinoso, M., 2020. A multi-analytical approach for the study of pigments used to decorate an Egyptian cartonnage from Ptolemaic period: Microscopy and Microanalysis 26(Suppl 1), 1-2.

Monazite Geochronology

(see also Detection Limit and Trace-Element Analysis)
(see also Rare Earth Elements (REEs))

Cocherie, A. and Legendre, O., 2007. Potential minerals for determining U–Th–Pb chemical age using electron microprobe: Lithos 93, 288-309.

Hazarika, P., Mishra, B., Ozha, M.K., and Pruseth, K.L., 2017. An improved EPMA analytical protocol for U-Th-Pbtotal dating in xenotime: Age constraints from polygenetic Mangalwar Complex, Northwestern India: Chemie der Erde 77, 69-79.

Jercinovic, M.J. and Williams, M.L., 2005. Analytical perils (and progress) in electron microprobe trace element analysis applied to geochronology: Background acquisition, interferences, and beam irradiation effects: American Mineralogist 90, 526-546.

Kone?nýa, P., Kusiak, M.A. and Dunkley, D.J., 2018. Improving U-Th-Pb electron microprobe dating using monazite age references: Chemical Geology 484, 22-35.

Kumar, R.R. and Dwivedi, S.B., 2019. EPMA monazite geochronology of the granulites from Daltonganj, eastern India and its correlation with the Rodinia supercontinent: Journal of Earth System Science 128 234,

Loehn, C.W., 2011. Investigation of the Monazite Dating Technique: Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 85 pp.

Lower, H.A., Adams, D.T. and Ritchie, N.W.M., 2017. EPMA and quantitative EDS of rare earth elements in geochronological reference materials: Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (Suppl. 1), 1056-1057.

Mezeme, E.B., Cocherie, A., Faure, M., Legendre, O., and Rossi, P., 2006. Electron microprobe monazite geochronology of magmatic events: Examples from Variscan migmatites and granitoids, Massif Central, France: Lithos 87, 276-288.

Ning, W., Wang, J., Xiao, D., Li, F., Huang, B., and Fu, D., 2019. Electron probe microanalysis of monazite and its applications to U-Th-Pb dating of geological samples: Journal of Earth Science 30(5), 952-963.

Ozha, M.K., Mishra, B., Hazarika, P., Jeyagopal, A.V., and Yadav, G.S., 2016. EPMA monazite geochronology of the basement and supracrustal rocks within the Pur-Banera basin, Rajasthan: Evidence of Columbia breakup in Northwestern India: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 117, 284-303.

Pyle, J.M., Spear, F.S., Rudnick, R.L., and McDonough, W.F., 2001. Monazite-Xenotime-Garnet equilibrium in metapelites and a new monzanite-garnet thermometer: Journal of Petrology 42(11), 2083-2107.

Scherrer, N.C., Engi, M., Gnos, E. Jakob, V., and Liechti, A., 2000. Monazite analysis; from sample preparation to microprobe age dating and REE quantification: Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 80, 93-105.

Sorcar, N., Mukherjee, S., Pant, N.C., Dev, J.A., and Nishanth, N., 2021. Chemical dating of monazite: Testing of analytical protocol for U–Th–total Pb using CAMECA SXFive tactis EPMA at the National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, India: Journal of Earth System Science 130 234,

Spear, F.S., Cheney, J.T., Pyle, J.M., Harrison, T.M., and Layne, G., 2008. Monazite geochronology in central New England: Evidence for a fundamental terrane boundary: Journal of Metamorphic Geology 26, 317-329.

Tiwari, S.K. and Biswal, T.K., 2019. Dynamics EPMA Th-U-total Pb monazite geochronology and tectonic implications of deformational fabric in the lower-middle crustal rocks: A case study of Ambaji granulite, NW India: Tectonics 38, 2232-2254.

Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M.J. and Hetherington, C.J., 2007. Microprobe monazite geochronology: Understanding geologic processes by integrating composition and chronology: Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 35, 137-175.

Závada, P., Štípská, P., Hasalová, P., Racek, M., Je?ábek, P., Schulmann, K., Kylander-Clark, A., and Holder, R., 2021. Monazite geochronology in melt-percolated UHP meta-granitoids: An example from the Erzgebirge continental subduction wedge, Bohemian Massif: Chemical Geology 559, 119919, 19 pp.

Zhu, X.K. and O’Nions, R.K., 1999. Zonation of monazite in metamorphic rocks and its implications for high temperature thermochronology: A case study from the Lewisian terrain: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 171, 209-220.

Nuclear Materials (Provenance)

Balboni, E., Jones, N., Spano, T., Simonetti, A., and Burns, P.C., 2016. Chemical and Sr isotopic characterization of North America uranium ores: Nuclear forensic applications: Applied Geochemistry 74, 24-32.

Dorais, C., Simonetti, A., Corcoran, L., Spano, T.L., and Burns, P.C., 2019. Happy Jack Uraninite: A new reference material for high spatial resolution analysis of U-rich matrices: Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 14(1), 125-132.

Sharp, N., McDonough, W.F., Ticknor, B.W., Ash, R.D., Piccoli, B.W., and Borg, D.T., 2014. Rapid analysis of trinitite with nuclear forensic applications for post-detonation material analyses: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 302, 57-67.

Nuclear Waste Glass-Ceramics

Bardez-Giboire, I., Kidari, A., Magnin, M., Dussossoy, J.-L., Peuget, S., Caraballo, R., Tribet, M., Doreau, F., and Jégou, C., 2017. Americium and trivalent lanthanides incorporation in high-level waste glass-ceramics Journal of Nuclear Materials 492, 231-238.

Chen, H., Marcial, J., Ahmadzadeh, M., Patil, D., and McCloy, J., 2020. Partitioning of rare earths in multiphase nuclear waste glass-ceramics International Journal of Applied Glass Science 11, 660-675.

Patil, D.S., Konale, M., Gabel, M., Neill, O.K., Crum, J., Goel, A., Stennett, M., Hyatt, N.C., and McCloy, J.S., 2016. Impact of rare earth ion size on the phase evolution of MoO3-containing aluminoborosilicate glass-ceramics: Journal of Nuclear Materials 510, 539-550.

Sengupta, P., Mishra, R.K., Soudamini, N., Sen, D., Mazumder, S., Kaushik, C.P., Ajithkumar, T.J., and Banerjee, K., 2015. Study on fused/cast AZS refractories for deployment in vitrification of radioactive waste effluents: Journal of Nuclear Materials 467, 144-154.

Phase Equilibria

(see also Building Materials)

Arnout, S., Durinck, D., Guo, M., Blanpain, B., and Wollants, P., 2008. Determination of CaO–SiO2–MgO–Al2O3–CrOx Liquidus: Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91(4), 1237-1243.

Craig, J.R., 1973. Pyrite-Pentlandite assemblages and other low temperature relations in the Fe-Ni-S system: American Journal of Science 273-A, 496-510.

Craig, J.R., Naldrett, A. and Kullerud, G., 1968. The Fe-Ni-S system: 400oC isothermal diagram: Carnegie Institution Yearbook 66, 440-441.

Feng, D., Zhang, J., Li, M., Chen, M., and Zhao, B., 2020. Phase Equilibria of the SiO2–V2O5 system: Ceramics International 46, 24053-24059.

Graterol, M. and Naldrett, A.J., 1971. Mineralogy of the Marbridge no. 3 and no. 4 Nickel-Iron Sulfide deposits: Economic Geology 66, 886-900.

Harris, D.C. and Nickel, E.H., 1972. Pentlandite compositions and associations in some mineral deposits: Canadian Mineralogist 11, 861-878.

Misra, K.C. and Fleet, E.M., 1973. The chemical compositions of synthetic and natural Pentlandite assemblages: Economic Geology 68, 518-539.

Shevchenko, M. and Jak, E., 2018. Experimental phase equilibria studies of the PbO–SiO2 system: Journal of the American Ceramic Society 101, 458-471.

Sieber, M.J., Wilke, F. and Koch-Müller, M., 2020. Partition coefficients of trace elements between carbonates and melt and suprasolidus phase relation of Ca-Mg-carbonates at 6 GPa: American Mineralogist 105, 922-931.

Sinyakova, E.F. and Kosyakov, V.I., 2001. 600 oC section of the Fe-FeS-NiS-Ni phase diagram: Inorganic Materials 37(11), 1130-1137.

Sinyakova, E.F.,Kosyakov, V.I. and Shestakov, V.A, 1999. Investigation of the surface of the liquidus of the Fe-Ni-S system at Xs < 0.51: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 30B, 715-772.

Pigments, Paints and Paintings

(see also Ancient Ceramics, Pottery and Glazes)
(see also Miscellaneous Artifacts)

Aloupi, E., Karydas, A.G. and Paradellis, T., 2000. Pigment analysis of wall paintings and ceramics from Greece and Cyprus. The optimum use of X-ray spectrometry on specific archaeological issues: X-Ray Spectrometry 29, 18-24.

Fermo, P., Piazzalunga, A., de Vos, M., and Andreoli, M., 2013. A multi-analytical approach for the study of the pigments used in the wall paintings from a building complex on the Caelian Hill (Rome): Applied Physics A, 113, 1109-1119.

Gard, F.S., Santos, D.M., Daizo, M.B., Mijares, J.L, Bozzano, P.B., Danon, C.A., Reinoso, M., and Halac, E.B., 2020. A noninvasive complementary study of an Egyptian polychrome cartonnage pigments using SEM, EPMA, and Raman spectroscopy: Surface and Interface Analysis, DOI: 10.1002/sia.6866.

Klepka, M., Lawniczak-Jablonska, K., Jablonski, M., Wolska, A., Minikayev, R., Paszkowicz, W., Przepiera, A., Spolnik, Z., and Van Grieken, R., 2005. Combined XRD, EPMA and X-ray absorption study of mineral ilmenite used in pigments production: Journal of Alloys and Compounds 401, 281-288.

Samal, S., Mohapatra, B.K. and Mukherjee, P.S., 2010. The effect of heat treatment on titania slag: Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering 9(9), 795-809.

Samal, S., Mohapatra, B.K., Mukherjee, P.S., and Chatterjee, S.K., 2009. Integrated XRD, EPMA and XRF study of ilmenite and titania slag used in pigment production: Journal of Alloys and Compounds 474, 484-489.

Precious Metals

(see also Ancient Metals, Coins and Metallurgy)

Gervilla, F., Cabri, L.J., Kojonen, K., Oberthur, T., Weiser, T.W., Johanson, B., Sie, S.H., Campbell, J.L., Teesdale, W.J., and Laflamme, J.H.G., 2004. Platinum-group element distribution in some ore deposits: Results of EPMA and micro-PIXE analyses: Microchimica Acta 147, 167-173.

Mederski, S., Pršek, J., Dimitrova, D., and Hyseni, B., 2021. A combined EPMA and LA-ICP-MS investigation on Bi-Cu-Au mineralization from the Kizhnica ore field (Vardar Zone, Kosovo): Minerals 11, 1223. min11111223, 37 pp.

Osbahr, I., Krause, J., Bachmann, K., and Gutzmer, J., 2015. Efficient and accurate identification of platinum-group minerals by a combination of mineral liberation and electron probe microanalysis with a new approach to the offline overlap correction of platinum-group element concentrations: Microscopy and Microanalysis 21(Suppl 5), 1080-1095.

Teh, G.H., Latib, H.M., Jushu, Z.M., and Sulaiman, A.B., 1999. EPMA characterisation and geochemistry of gold deposits of Peninsular Malaysia–Genetic implications: GEOSEA ’98 Proceedings, Geological Society of Malaysia Bulletin 43, 299-306.

Rare Earth Elements (REEs)

(see also Monzanite Geochronolgy)
(see also Nuclear Materials (Provenance))
(see also Nuclear Waste Glass-Ceramics)

Atanasova, P., Krause, J., Mockel, R., Osbahr, I., and Gutzmer, J., 2015. Electron probe microanalysis of REE in eudialyte group minerals: Challenges and solutions: Microscopy and Microanalysis 21, 1096-1113.

Exley, R.A., 1980. Microprobe studies of REE-rich accessory minerals: Implications for Skye granite petrogenesis and REE mobility in hydrothermal systems: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 48, 97-110.

Hao, Y., Feng, Y., Liang, T., Brzozowski, M., Ju, M., Zhou, R., and Wang, Y., 2023. Quantitative evaluation of metamictisation of columbite-(Mn) from rare-element pegmatites using Raman spectroscopy: Mineralogical Magazine 87, 337-347.

Laputina, I.P., Batyrev, V.A. and Yakushev, A.I., 1999. A new EPMA technique for determination of rare earth elements with the use of automated peak-overlap and modelled background corrections: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 14, 465-469.

Liao, J., Chen, J., Sun, X., Wu, Z., Deng, Y., Shi, X., Wang, Y., and Koschinsky, A., 2022. Quantifying the controlling mineral phases of rare-earth elements in deep-sea pelagic sediments: Chemical Geology 595, 120792.

Lowers, H.A., Adams, D.T. and Ritchie, W.M., 2017. EPMA and quantitative EDS of rare earth elements in geochronological reference materials: Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (Suppl 1), doi:10.1017/S1431927617005943.

Lupulescu, M.V., Chiarenzelli, J.R., Pecha, M.E., Singer, J.W., and Regan, S.P., 2018. Columbite-group minerals from New York pegmatites: Insights from isotopic and geochemical analyses: Geosciences 8 169; doi:10.3390/geosciences8050169 (15 pp.).

Pal, D.C., Basak, S., McFarlane, C., and Sarangi, A.K., 2021. EPMA geochemistry and LA-ICPMS dating of allanite, epidote, monazite, florencite and titanite from the Jaduguda uranium deposit, Singhbhum Shear Zone, eastern India: Implications for REE mineralization vis-`a-vis tectonothermal events in the Proterozoic Mobile Belt: Precambrian Research 359, 106208 (15pp.).

Pan, T., Ding, Q.-F., Zhou, X., Li, S.-P., Han, J., and Cheng, L., 2021. Columbite-tantalite group mineral U-Pb geochronology of Chaqiabeishan Li-rich granitic pegmatites in the Quanji Massif, NW China: Implications for the genesis and emplacement ages of pegmatites: Frontiers in Earth Science 14, January, doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.606951 (17pp.).

Patel, D.K., Rahman, A. and Singh, M., 2022. Occurrences of Rare Earth Element (REE) bearing minerals in migmatitic gneiss and granitoids of Chhotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex, Bihar, India: Journal Geological Society India 98, 1343-1355.

Reed, S.J.B. and Buckley, A., 1998. Rare-earth element determination in minerals by electron-probe microanalysis: Application of spectrum synthesis: Mineralogical Magazine 61(1), 1-8.

Siachoque, A., Garcia, R. and Vlach, S.R.F., 2020. Occurrence and composition of columbite-(Fe) in the reduced A-type Desemborque Pluton, Graciosa Province (S-SE Brazil): Minerals 10, 411, doi:10.3390/min10050411 (16pp.).

Wang, N., Mao, Q., Zhang, T., Hao, J., and Lin, Y., 2021. NanoSIMS and EPMA dating of lunar zirconolite: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 8:51,

Yokoyama, K., Shigeoka, M., Goto, A., Terada, K., Hidaka, H., and Tsutsumi, Y., 2010. U-Th-total Pb ages of uraninite and thorite from granitic rocks: Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science, Series C 36, 7-18.

Zhang, W., Chen, W.T. and Williams-Jones, A.E., 2023. An unique, fluocerite?rich REE deposit in Henan province, Central China: the missing link in magmatic?hydrothermal REE mineralizing systems?: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178:34, (11pp.).


Llovet, X., Moy, A., Pinard, P.T., and Fournelle, J.H., 2021. Electron probe microanalysis: A review of recent developments and applications in materials science and engineering: Progress in Material Science 120, 100818, 90 pp.

Mackenzie, A.P., 1993. Recent progress in electron probe microanalysis: Reports on Progress in Physics 56, 557-604.

Salter, W.J.M., 1973. A review of some industrial applications of microanalysis: Micron 4, 307-331.

Soil Analysis

Singletary, S.J. and Hanna, H.D., 2018. Forensic soil analysis using the electron microprobe: The Markice-Bowling case: Microscopy and Microanalysis 24(Suppl. 1), 1182-1183.


(see also Phase Equilibria)

Hettmann, K., Wenzel, T., Marks, M., and Markl, G., 2012. The sulfur speciation in S-bearing minerals: New constraints by a combination of electron microprobe analysis and dft calculations with special reference to sodalite-group minerals: American Mineralogist 97(10), 1653-1661.

Jugo, P.J., Luth, R.W., and Richards, J.P., 2005. Experimental data on the speciation of sulfur as a function of oxygen fugacity in basaltic melts: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69(2), 497-503.

Mori, R.A., Paris, E., Giuli, G., Eeckhout, S., Kavcic, M., Zitnik, M., Bucar, K., Pettersson, L.G., and Glatzel, P., 2009. Electronic structure of sulfur studied by x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy: Analytical Chemistry 81(15), 6516-6525.

Superconductors and Magnetism

Hehenkamp, T.H.G., 1992. Characterization of high-temperature superconductors by electron microprobe analysis: Mikrochimica Acta 107, 273-277.

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(see also Beam-Induced Element Mobility/Volatility)

Lowe, D.J., 2011. Tephrochronology and its application: A review: Quaternary Geochronology 6, 107-153.

Wulf, S., Keller, J., Satow, C., Gertisser, C., Kraml, M., Grant, K.M., Appelt, O., Vakhrameeva, P., Koutsodendris, A., Hardiman, M., Schulz, H., and Pross, J., 2020. Advancing Santorini’s tephrostratigraphy: New glass geochemical data and improved marine-terrestrial tephra correlations for the past ?360 kyrs: Earth-Science Reviews 200, 102964, 19 pp.

Thin Films

(see also Superconductors)

Jung, Y.H., Baik, S.J. and Ahn, S.B., 2019. Investigation of Zircaloy-fuel interaction in failed spent PWR fuel using EPMA: Journal of Nuclear Materials 517, 349-355.

Oliva, F.Y., Leiva, E.P.M., Lener, G., Barraco, D.E., and Trincavelli, J.C., 2019. Study of the spontaneous oxidation of sodium in air by EPMA and Monte Carlo simulations: Applied Surface Science 480, 1093-1099.

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(see also Gems and Gemology)

Kalliomäkia, H., Wagner, T., Fusswinkel, T., and Sakellaris, G., 2017. Major and trace element geochemistry of tourmalines from Archean orogenic gold deposits: Proxies for the origin of gold mineralizing fluids: Ore Geology Reviews 91, 906-927.

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Sun, Z., Palke, A.C., Breeding, C.M., and Dutrow, B.L., 2019. A new method for determining gem tourmaline species by LA-ICP-MS: Gems & Gemology 55(1), 2-17.

ZAF Correction and K-Ratio Optimization

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